Jackson Hospital | Partners | Summer 2021

10 Jackson Hospital Q Why did you get into the healthcare field? I decided to become a doctor because I wanted to make a difference in peo- ple’s lives. Healthcare is sacred, and the doctor’s office is a safe space where you get to share not only your health issues, but life issues. I value the safe space I can create for my patients and getting to take care of them. Q What interested you in your particular specialty? Endocrinology is a very dynamic field involving a lot of critical thinking about the intangible. It involves a lot of chronic disease management, so I love that I get to follow patients long-term and build a relationship with them. The pathology and complexity of different diseases fascinate me. Q What is the most rewarding part of your job? I like that I get to educate and em- power people about their own health. The majority of my field involves diabe- tes management, and everyone needs individualized care. When patients finally understand how to manage their diet, lifestyle and medications, it is al- ways gratifying to see them doing well. Q What is the most challenging aspect of your job? Chronic disease management is chal- lenging because it often involves get- ting patients to understand what may occur in the future if the disease is not managed well. Often in diabetes man- agement, we are preventing complica- tions from happening in the future, and it takes time to educate patients about what could happen when the patient is not having any symptoms. GET TO KNOW A JHC PROVIDER Warda Niaz, MD Looking for an endocrinologist? Call 334-293-8877 to make an appointment with Dr. Niaz. PROVIDER SPOTLIGHT Q What advice would you give someone looking to become a doctor? The journey to becoming a physician is very challenging and taxing on both your mental and physical health. It also requires a lot of determination, but there are very few professions that will give you the same sort of satisfac- tion and security in life as becoming a doctor. Q What do you see changing in healthcare in the next five to 10 years? For endocrinology specifically, I see a lot more advancements in medica- tions for diabetes and obesity. The technology involving insulin manage- ment and monitoring blood sugars has improved exponentially over the last decade. I definitely see better technol- ogy for both monitoring glucose and giving insulin via a pump, almost like an implantable artificial pancreas, which is very exciting, as it will change the lives of patients with diabetes. Q What do you enjoy doing outside of work? I like to enjoy nature and go on hikes with my husband. I also like to cook and experiment with new cuisines and recipes. Q What advice would you give to someone who is going to be a patient in a hospital for a period of time? Being in a hospital can be an intimidat- ing and unfamiliar place, so I would advise patients to bring a loved one to support them in their most vulnerable time. It can also become very boring, so bring entertainment; you will have a lot of time to read or watch TV. I would also recommend that you inform a member of your care team if you do not feel like something is right. Be an advocate for your own health!