Jackson Hospital | Partners | Summer 2021

COMMUNITY WE A R PURPLE DAY: Bringing awareness to strokes and stroke prevention. WEAR BLUE DAY: Wear Blue for Men’s Health Month: Bringing awareness to men’s health. CAMPUS CLEANUP: The Jackson Hospital staff came together to clean up our campus and help keep our hospital beautiful! DR. BRIAN GARY’S 500TH ROBOTIC CASE: Dr. Brian Gary, General Surgeon with The Jackson Clinic, recently performed his 500th robotic surgery case! Congratulations to Dr. Gary and his outstanding surgical team who helped him achieve this great accomplishment. WELCOME BACK, VOLUNTEERS: Jackson Hospital recently welcomed our team of volun- teers back into the hospital! We are so glad to have them back on our team. If you are visiting the hospi- tal, say hello and welcome our volunteers back! ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ 4 Jackson Hospital