Jackson Hospital | Partners | Fall 2020

6 Jackson Hospital OMMUNITY Q&A When will my milk come in after birth? Mothers actually do have milk present at birth, though many do not realize it. In fact, mothers have enough milk for two babies at birth because a baby only needs one breast at a time. Your milk will increase as your baby nurses, and your baby will tell your body how much milk to produce. Mothers typically tend to notice their milk after a few days. As your baby consumes more milk, the breasts will become heavier and fuller. Ask the expert: Liz Owens, RN, IBCLC How will I know when to feed my baby, and how long should a feeding last? Healthy babies let you know when they’re hungry by smacking, looking around or sucking on their hands. Babies eat for different lengths of time and eat different amounts at each feeding. Your baby may only want a small “snack” or they may eat an entire “meal.” It is important to watch your baby and not the clock to know when to feed. When a baby is full, they may seem more relaxed, come off the breast or slow their sucking. How do I start breastfeeding? The best way to get started breastfeeding is by initiating skin- to-skin contact right after birth. Your nurse will get your baby settled on your chest so you can begin bonding. Most babies will be ready to breastfeed within 30 minutes to an hour after birth. Babies are born with the instinct to breastfeed and can usually learn how to breastfeed quickly. Q How do I know if my baby is drinking enough milk? Your baby will let you know that they’ve had enough at each feeding by re- laxing their hands or looking satisfied. Your baby will tell you if they’ve had enough milk every day by their wet and dirty diapers and their weight. Most babies lose a little weight at first but quickly begin gaining weight after a few days. Can I start my baby on formula while I’m still breastfeeding? Yes, but your baby should learn how to breastfeed before formula feeding. Breastfeeding helps establish and regu- late your milk supply. If you do choose to begin formula feeding in addition to breastfeeding, it is important to pump on a regular basis if you miss a feeding. Q Q Q Q BASICS Breastfeeding